Formula of Ibuprofen : C13H18O2
The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Ibuprofen is more commonly preferred to be used for relieving from arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, fever. Ibuprofen is
considered to be as the core medicine in the 'Essential Drugs List' of the World Health Organization. This is the list which is prepared for enlisting the minimum medical needs of the basic health care system. The credit of discovery of ibuprofen goes to Stewart Adams and his colleagues John Nicholson, Jeff Bruce Wilson, Andrew RM Dunlop and Colin Burrows. Due to the ability of causing gastric bleeding and forming ulceration in the gastric lining, ibuprofen is generally avoid to be used in those individuals which suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. In 1961, ibuprofen was patented. The buyers can source Ibuprofen directly from the Suppliers of Ibuprofen through available online B2B portals.