Formula of Atenolol : C14H22N2O3
About Atenolol :
Atenolol is the beta-1 adrenergic receptor, which was first introduced in 1976. It is the class of drugs from the group of beta blockers, primarily used for treating cardiovascular diseases. Its chemicals work by decreasing down the heart stress and then make a red
uction in the workload. Atenolol has 266.336 g/mol molecular mass. Earlier it was first introduced for developing the propranolol replacement, for treating the hypertension. It was the first-line treatment for hypertension but the role for beta blockers in hypertension was reduced in june 2006 in the United Kingdom to the fourth line due to their less performance in comparative to other drugs, especially among elder group and it is also evident that the frequently use of beta blockers at usual dose can provoke diabetes. The buyers can source Atenolol directly from the Suppliers of Atenolol
through available online B2B portals.